La Bohème - Charles Aznavour
Video Lidia Koifman
BIOGRAPHIE de GALVAN José - artiste peintre à MONTMARTRE
Atelier : 31, rue Gabrielle - PARIS 18ème
GALVAN José né le 30 juillet 1910 à ASPE (Province d'ALICANTE - Espagne) décédé le 25 août 2001 à BENIDORM (Espagne).
A l'age de 19 ans, il est allé habiter à ALCOY (Espagne) et travaille dans une école industrielle où il dessine des copies.
Là, ses Professeurs remarquent son travail et le dirigent dans la section " dessin d'après nature ".
Après la guerre civile, il suit des cours du soir à BARCELONE (école REAL CIRCULO ARTISTICO).
Il peint alors des modèles vivants. Il expose des nus, des portraits et des paysages à BARCELONE,
PERPIGNAN (1959-1960) et à MONTPELLIER. GALVAN s'installe à PARIS en 1962 et expose au Salon de l'Art libre.
Au Grand Palais, il est présent à l'exposition des peintres espagnols de PARIS, organisée par les Ministères de la Culture de France et d'Espagne.
A MONTMARTRE, il participe aux manifestations de la Mairie du XVIIIe et montre ses oeuvres dans la salle paroissiale de l'église Saint-Pierre.
La biographie du peintre espagnol José GALVAN figure dans le DICTIONNAIRE DES PEINTRES A MONTMARTRE (1999)
- Editions André ROUSSARD - 13, rue du Mont Cenis 75018 PARIS FRANCE.
Workshop:31, street Gabrielle - PARIS 18th
In Remembrance of portrait artist José Galvan (1910-2001). Paris Montmartre. Magic Art Impressionism
GALVAN José was born on July 30, 1910 - ASPE (Province of ALICANTE - Spain) died on August 25, 2001 BENIDORM (Spain).
To the 19 years age, he lived in ALCOY (Spain) and worked in industrial school where he drew copies.
There his Professors noticed his work and directed him to section "drawing according to nature".
After the civil war, he followed evening courses in BARCELONA (school REAL CIRCULO ARTISTICO).
He painted living models then. He exposed nudes, portraits and landscapes in BARCELONA,
PERPIGNAN (1959-1960) and in MONTPELLIER. GALVAN settles in BUTTE MONTMARTRE in PARIS in 1962 and exposed at the Living room of free Art.
With the Large Palate, it is present at the exposure of the Spanish painters of PARIS,
organized by the Ministries for the Culture of French and Spain. With MONTMARTRE,
he takes part in the manifestations of the Town hall of XVIIIe and shows his works in the hall of the Saint-Pierre church.
The biography of the Spanish painter, José GALVAN, appears in the DICTIONARY OF PAINTERS A MONTMARTRE
(1999) - Editions Andre ROUSSARD - 13, street of the Mount Cenis 75018 PARIS FRENCH
Spanish artist José Galvan settled in Paris in 1962 and from this time his life became connected with Montmartre for ever.
In last two centuries shrine of art Montmartre lodged a lot of artists from different countries,
those who flew their own countries and sought safety or those who sought romance and colleagues leading world's artists.
From the nineteen century Paris dictated not only fashion, but also movements of art.
Origin of modernism also can not be disembodied from French.
But modern art did not touch the most sensitive soul of artist José Galvan. Art impressionism cast a glamour the artist,
and he chose this mean of artistic expression. As like Masaccio was born with temperament
of Giotto in next century as artist José Galvan was born with temperament of Renoir.
Looking at his pictures we feel how strong were his feelings to his native country Spain, its harbors, its songs,
dancers and showgirls, to Paris and Parisians. Only being in Montmartre,
walking on the ground that was stepped by his favorite artists was for him supreme happiness.
This happiness made him got dizzy, because this happiness was too large for a human being.
This happiness was a reason of his long enough life. It seems inspiration never leaves him.
In some aspects creative work of José Galvan can be related with sentimentalism of Spanish artist Murillo and with tenderness of young Goya. Yes, art of José Galvan is sweet,
sweet to inconceivable degree, but this sweetness is so true, poetic, sublime and excused that the author can not be objurgated in any case.
We can compare Galvan's copy of Renoir LES JEUNES FILLES AU PIANO with original for the seeing their differences
that are the differences between French impressionism and its variation by Galvan. Galvan is more monumental, broad brushed.
If Renoir concerns more about details, Galvan about the whole of picture.
José Galvan paints mixing paints on palette. Galvan's contrasts of values are less, lights warmer and softer, motions of figures also softer and more natural,
lines play greater role. Galvan is a master of wavy vibrating line. Especially it is seen in drawing below TROIS ETUDES DE NUS. Galvan more spiritual.
He converts prose of Renoir into poetry. Thus we may conclude that painting of José Galvan is particular mixture of French impressionism and Spanish classical art.
If Renoir went toword modernity, José Galvan tried to seek eternal valuables.
Dr. Jurate Macnoriute
1953 July 14 -- Jurate Macnoriute was born.
1970-1974 -- Vilnius university, the department of mathematics.
1977-1983--Vilnius art institute (academy), the department of painting
1996-2000 -- Vilnius art academy, the department of art history, doctorate
Plus long hard substantive unremitting intellection and work in seclusion
José Galvan en ASPE
BIOGRAFÍA de GALVAN José - artista pintor a MONTMARTRE
Taller: 31, calle Gabrielle - 18.o PARÍS
GALVAN José pintor aspense conocido mundialmente por sus retratos, emigró a Francia y cosecho gran exito siendo un firme exponente de la pintura de Montmartre en Paris.
Jose B. Galvan, nace en Aspe el 31 de julio de 1910 en la avenida del 3 de agosto nº2 (Antigua Posada) y fallece en Benidorm el 25 de agosto del 2001.
A los 19 años vivió en Alcoy y se formó artísticamente en la escuela industrial alcoyana donde dibuja copias de oleos.
En Barcelona inició perfeccionó sus actividades pictóricas en Casa Chorba y Casa del Libro y se cultivó finalmente en el Real Circulo Artístico
donde asistía a clases de grandes maestros de la época. Fuen en la capital de Cataluña donde empieza a exponer sus obras con gran exito destacando sus retratos y sus desnudos.
Sus obras pueden observarse en Perpiñan y Montpelier donde expuso en varias ocasiones.
Fue en 1962 cuando Jose Galvan es reconocido artisticamente como uno de los mejores retratistas del mundo,
al marcharse a París y exponer en el Salón de Arte Libre parisino.
Es aquí donde recibió inevitablemente la influencia del Modernismo y del Impresionismo francés que José Galván reinventó de forma sublime al acercarlo al arte clásico español,
haciendo de su forma de pintar un arte único, con ese sello genuino que todo artista persigue.
Es reclamado anualmente por el Ayuntamiento de Paris para que exponga en los salones de la casa consistorial,
su consagración llegó finalmente en la exposición de pintores españoles en París organizado por los ministerios de cultura frances y español.
Es destacable que la Republica del Salvador contrató a Jose Galvan para que pintara 15 oleos de personalidades de aquel pais americano.
Actualmente la obra de José Galvan esta muy repartida por todo el mundo debido a que su primera epoca
en París numerosos turistas de Montmartre compraron sus retratos sobre todo Estadounidenses.
La biografía del pintor José Galvan aparece en el DICCIONARIO DE PINTORES DE MONTMARTRE ediciones Andre ROUSSARD al
1999) - - 13, calle del montaje Cenis 75018 PARÍS FRANCIA.