Artist Dianne Roberson Hendrix

Alaskan art by Alaskan artist Dianne Roberson Hendrix including the Northern Lights, Native American portraits, Alaskan wildlife, Marine Life, Flowers, Snow Scenes, and Short Stories of painting on location adventures with her Life in Alaska Blog.
Artist Statement
by Alaska Artist Dianne Roberson Hendrix
As a young artist, I traveled every summer to the mountains where I sketched native
artists expressing their creativity through weaving, carving, and dancing. It was this
tradition of recording their lives with art that bonded me to the Cherokee Indians. I have
painted and photographed artistic native people throughout North, South, and Central
America. My Arctic Life Series of Alaska is a continuation of these experiences, and a
hope to create lasting visual images of Native American people and their traditions.
Through the years, my life has taken me on many journeys far from my roots. I was drawn
to Alaska, as if a magnet was pulling me back to nature. I didn't choose to come here. I
simply could not stay away. My Northern Lights Series was born in the cold dark night
surrounded by silence near the top of the world. I saw magnetic pulses of light. An
intense emotion encompassed me and I understood why our ancestors were so awed,
even frightened, by the luminous dances of the Northern Lights. I have been compelled
to record this unending series in many veins and under many different influences since.
My interpretation of the Aurora Borealis includes the human figure or wildlife to give a
definition of scale as well as to celebrate the joyous Alaskan spirit.
My Digital Art Series combines digital photography and digital painting. Using a number of
software programs, I "paint" a digital interpretation or impression of my digital
photographic composite images. By wielding software tools like brushes on pixels instead
of paint, my computer allows me to change the scale, transparency, color, brightness and
contrast of the parts and of the whole. It allows me to experiment endlessly, save
variations and make comparisons which I could never do with traditional media. I have
always been fascinated with the intersection of art and technology.
The daily visual enjoyments surrounding me in this beautiful state of Alaska give me the
emotional satisfaction that is necessary for me to paint original art in my studio and
photograph nature throughout the great Alaskan wilderness. Sharing this joy of Alaska
with the public keeps me traveling through out Alaska showing my paintings, photography,
and digital art at museums, businesses, and schools. Alaskan Art by Alaskan Art ist
records today's life for history. My aim as an artist is to create pulsating, luminous
surfaces that emanate a mystic light and give my deepest insight into the experience of
life and nature.

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