Born in Chicago, USA
Painter, Sculptor, Writer working out of Southern California, USA

About the Artist
Art has been my passion since childhood. As an emerging artist in the mid-70's I struggled to "find myself". By the early 1980's I became acquainted with the Los Angeles art culture, and Los Angeles collector, Diana Zlotnick. Along with many others, I toured (with Diana) emerging and soon to be popular local artists' studios; and viewed some of Diana's own collection of well-known artists such as Warhol, Rauschenberg and others. At that time I also became acquainted with Vera Green, Curator of the Bernard Cantor art collection, who introduced me to gallery owner Joan Wheeler Ankrum (Ankrum Gallery). Ms. Ankrum purchased a small sculpture entitled "Polynesian Woman" for her personal collection and invited me to show works in her gallery. I had won several local awards and recognition in local shows. However, it was a time in my life of changes, so I basically "went underground" after a show at LAICA in Los Angeles (Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art).
My development as an artist has taken twists and turns, as I suppose is usual. I also began to write, and published a book entitled "The Art Of Will" in 1984, which included my collages and philosophical writings.
Art for me has been more than visual depiction or snapshots of incidents in one's personal life. My work possesses a quality of balance, peace and mystery. For a large part of my career, it has meant a glimpse of "state of mind" or exploration and commentary on the human spiritual condition. It is much less important to me to involve myself in "what's the latest art phase" or "how bizarre can we get?". The real issue is "where are we now (introspectively); where are we going; what is timeless (within ourselves/outside ourselves), and what's "real" to us - momentarily or eternally.
However, I am certainly not saying that all of that couldn't at some time figure into the scheme of things, and somehow emerge into a reinvention of self. Not as a means in itself...but as a coming of age as it were, artistically, and merge together to a new form.
I have worked in pen & ink, pastel, watercolor, oil pastel, oil paint, sculpture (Plexiglass, Clay, Stone, Wood, Dendritic talc, Marble and Alabaster) doing miniatures or small works and some large paintings. Most recently I am concentrating on oil paintings, (since around 1999).
Experimentation and change is never-ending in the life of an artist. My journey continues.

Arts-Gallery Montmartre-Paris

Arts-Montmartre Paris France

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