Carol Moore Artits Painter U.S.A
Ever since I can remember, I have always had a passion for the out-of-doors, animals and art. When I was young, my dream was to become either a wildlife biologist or a veterinarian. I was the kid, who always brought home or I would sneak in the house strays or some other critter. However, during junior high and high school, my path started to lead me in the direction towards art. I realized through my art, that I could capture what I loved most down on paper, canvas or through a lens.
After high school, in 1982, I attended Pacific Northwest College of Art for one year, in Portland, Oregon. My majors were commercial art and photography. Unfortunately, due to lack of finances, I was unable to graduate. Art school is where, I discovered and developed a passion for colored pencils and photography. So I mainly consider myself, a self-taught artist. I have had the opportunity to take one of Ann Kullberg's workshop and learned many things about skin tones and her techniques of using color pencil.
My works have been featured at Modern Day Masters in 2004, League of Animal Artists in May 2002, PSPExtreme October 2005 issue, and at Ann Kullberg's Ezine Magazine From My Perspective.
I work primarily with Prisma and Lyra color pencils and Derwent water color pencils. A number of artists have had a major influence in my life and art, a few are: Ann Kullberg, Ann Pember, Jim Warren, Josephine Wall, Johanna Pieterman, Johathan Earl Bowser and Lee Bogle. My artwork and photographs reflect my heart and soul and I am connected to each piece that I create. My inspiration, stems from animals, nature, different cultures, mysticism, lore, myths, legends and history. I study each subject extensively through research, taking photos or using reference photos in order to capture and bring out the spirit, charisma and mysticism of each subject.
I thank you for taking the time to visit my site and I hope you enjoy your visit. Carol Moore 