Entries 481 to 520
Csonka Ibolya Artist Painter Hungary
gonczyrozalia.jimdo.com/ artists-page-2/ csonka-ib...
Csonka Ibolya's art is rooted in Hungarian history and the beauty of the Hungarian landscape. Her works express the unity of time and space. carefully wrought, rich in colour and profoundly thoughtful, her art is informed with light, and excluded faith, hope and love. Her icons are testimonials: to the nobility and dignity of man, and the mistery o...
[Csonka Ibolya] - [Hungary-Artists-Professional] - [Monday 1st, December 2014]

Andre Abge - Artist of Photographie, Airbrush, Painting, Digital arts
Andre Abge - Artist of Photographie, Airbrush, Painting, Digital arts #MONTMARTRE #PARIS Andre Abge - Artist of Photographie, Airbrush, Painting, Digital arts https:/ / t.co/ UufvpRO7Je https:/ / t.co/ UufvpRO7Je pic.twitter.com/ orvQN5TvVk - Montmartre (@ArtMontmartre) 26 novembre 2016 WELCOME Exchange Link Free-Gratuit t.co/ 7PDPEosmhs Internation...
[Andre Abge] - [Germany-Künstler] - [Friday 28th, November 2014]

International Union of artists of Estonia
makrame3.narod.ru/ macrame/ INTUNION.html
International Union of artists of Estonia International Artists `Union is a non-profit organization Enriches the organization IAU members by Offering a variety of services. Special programs and activities are exhibitions from local and national Which our membership can benefit. We offer workshop Opportunities, critique sessions and tours. Not least...
[International Union of artists of Estonia] - [Estonia-International-Union-of-artists] - [Thursday 13th, November 2014]

[Replication or Save Conflict]
Elina Gerodes Artist Estonia
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ gerodes
Elina Gerodes was born on the 18th of April,1978, inLeningrad(i.e. St.Petersburg), in a cool and cloudy typical St.Petersburg weather spring day. This baby was instantly loved by everyone in the family, so much that each one wanted to give her a name. Three months after she was born, in order to decide what name to give her, the members of the fami...
[Elina Gerodes] - [Estonia-Artists] - [Wednesday 12th, November 2014]

Gallery Painting by Natalya Zhdanova Russia
Меня зовут Наталья Жданова. Художник живописец. Член профессионального художественного фонда. Член Международного художественного фонда. Живу и работаю в г. Санкт-Петербург. В 1991 г. закончила Московский народный университет искусств при министерстве культуры РФ, факультет изобразительного искусства. Работаю в разнообразных стилях и жанрах - пейза...
[Natalya Zhdanova] - [Russia-Artists] - [Friday 24th, October 2014]

Welcome 4.x 2014 for the elimination of the "Victoria 2014" Anna German
josegalvan.artscad.com/ A55A04/ A3.nsf/ plinks/ SR...
#MONTMARTRE #PARIS Welcome 4.x 2014 for the elimination of the "Victoria 2014" Anna German https:/ / t.co/ SdeOmbJxcu https:/ / t.co/ SdeOmbJxcu pic.twitter.com/ NxIUYSRByM - Montmartre (@ArtMontmartre) 9 juillet 2017 Welcome 4.x 2014 for the elimination of the "Victoria 2014" from 10:00 am to Club Gocław WARSAW. About 18.00 Open International Exhibition ...
[Anna German] - [Poland-Artists] - [Wednesday 24th, September 2014]

Mikhail Tikhanovskyi Artist Painter Russia
Родился в 1968 году в г. Сергиев Посад (Загорск) в семье учителей. В 1987 году закончил МХУ памяти 1905 г. Преподаватель - заслуженный художник России Воронцов Д. А. Служил в ВМФ на Дальнем Востоке. Член СХ России. Выставляюсь с Сергиево-Посадской организацией СХ России. #MONTMARTRE #PARIS Mikhail Tikhanovskyi Artist Painter Russia https:/ / t.co/ QiJ...
[Mikhail Tikhanovskyi] - [Russia-Artists] - [Sunday 21st, September 2014]

Michael J Duke Freelance Photographer England
About Michael J Duke Born in Northampton and brought up in London, Michael spent many years living and working in Israel. It was during his years in Israel that Michael became a freelance photographer contributing to the Jerusalem Post, Ma’ariv, Popular Science in Israel and American Image Magazine based in Lewisville in the United States. Michael ...
[Michael J Duke] - [England-Artists] - [Sunday 21st, September 2014]

Nikolay Pavlushko Artist Painter Azerbaijan
ru.artscad.com/ A.nsf/ P/ NikolayPavlushko
is a contemporary artist, designer. His styles range from the realistic, surrealistic, impressionistic, abstract paintings and traditional portraits in oils. As Nikolay paints abstract paintings he receives information about the subtle qualities of the subject matter he is working with, then interprets it, and simultaneously transfers it to the pap...
[Nikolay Pavlushko] - [Azerbaijan-Artists] - [Wednesday 10th, September 2014]

Izabella Pavlushko Artist Painter Azerbaijan
ru.artscad.com/ A.nsf/ P/ IzabellaPavlushko
is an abstract artist. For over 10 years she has been working in the style of geometric abstraction and exploring the potential of geometry in art. In her work she connects geometry with spirituality and create forms that would provide the same emotional power as musical composition. Geometric abstraction is one of the very complex directions abstr...
[Izabella Pavlushko] - [Azerbaijan-Artists] - [Tuesday 9th, September 2014]

Алексей Мосман Alexei Mosman Artist Painter Russia
Alexey Mosman 42 was born April 27, 1972 died September 3, 2014 , Chulman (Negyungri), Russia. The unique artist from South Yakutia Alexey Mosman creates original pictures from semi-precious stones. Уникальный художник из Южной Якутии Алексей Мосман создавал оригинальные картины из самоцветов. Великолепные и чарующие пейзажи, выкладываются из разно...
[Алексей Мосман ] - [Russia-Artists] - [Wednesday 3rd, September 2014]

Máté Sándor Artist Painter Hungary
Máté Sándor vagyok.1954-ben születtem Budapesten. Már kis gyermek koromban is, emlékeim szerint, nagyon vonzódtam a művészetekhez, ezen belül, elsősorban a festészethez. A sors fintora, hogy életem túlnyomó részében, sajnos egészen más tevékenységet voltam kénytelen folytatni, de a művészet iránti rajongásom mindvégig megmaradt. Jóval túl az ötvene...
[Máté Sándor ] - [Hungary-Artists-Professional] - [Sunday 31st, August 2014]

Ahzrin Bacalla Artist Painter Philippines
i'm Lord Ahzrin Bacalla 13 years old, a young painter from the Phillipines. i love to join in different drawing competitions local and international. i won in different drawing competitions and one of my greatest achievement i believe was when i won in International competiton, UNGEI 1st place in the Philippines (United Nation Girls Education Initi...
[Ahzrin Bacalla] - [Philippines-Artists] - [Saturday 9th, August 2014]

Emanuele Rubini Self-taught sculptor Italia
Emanuele Rubini Self-taught sculptor, he works with the marble since 1997. He participate at Italian and International Simposia and important solo and group exhibitions inItaly. His monumental works are in public and private collections inItaly. The artworks of small and medium size are in private collections inItaly,Spain,Germany,Lichtenstein,Engl...
[Emanuele Rubini ] - [Italia-Artisti] - [Sunday 3rd, August 2014]

Artists Worldwide Love and Peace to all People
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ Arts.Directory.Montmar...
PEACE ON EARTH ARTISTS WORLDWIDE Love and peace to all people! WELCOME Exchange Link Free-Gratuit t.co/ 7PDPEosmhs International t.co/ rq2QPvzavC France pic.twitter.com/ QIVrHQWp4l - Montmartre (@ArtMontmartre) 28 Septembre 2014 World Map
[Arts.Directory.Montmartre.Paris.French] - [French-Montmartre-Paris] - [Sunday 27th, July 2014]

Olga Almazova Artist Russia
ОЛЬГА АЛМАЗОВА - российская певица, автор более 300 песен. Журналист, главный редактор радио "Голоса Планеты", ведущая программ. Член Союза работников культуры России, Председатель забайкальского отделения Гильдии межэтнической журналитики России, композитор, победитель многих Всероссийских журналистских и музыкальных конкурсов. Имеет три поэтическ...
[Olga Almazova] - [Russia-Artists] - [Thursday 10th, July 2014]

Lidia Koifman Israel Directory International Arts Montmartre Paris French
https:/ / en.artscad.com/ @/ LidiaKoifman
Banners of our friends books Lidia Kofman Israel JOSE GALVAN MONTMARTRE (1910-2001) La Bohème - Charles Aznavour Video Lidia Koifman WELCOME Exchange Link Free-Gratuit t.co/ 7PDPEosmhs International t.co/ rq2QPvzavC France pic.twitter.com/ QIVrHQWp4l - Montmartre (@ArtMontmartre) 28 Septembre 2014
[Lidia Koifman] - [Israel-Artists] - [Friday 27th, June 2014]

Andreea Gheorghiu Artist Painter Romania
Andreea Gheorghiu Artist Painter Romania Studied Painting at National University of Arts - UNArte Bucharest ART CRITICS Andreea Gheorghiu, "un om frumos care se indeletniceste cu frumosul" Din data: 19 Octombrie 2012 ora : 14:00:20 &hellip asa a recomandat-o actorul si omul de exceptie Mircea Albulescu pe Andreea Gheorghiu la vernisajul expozitiei ...
[Andreea Gheorghiu] - [Romania-Artists] - [Tuesday 3rd, June 2014]

Bartolomé González Bleda (1949-1995) España
bartolomegonzalez.wix.com/ bartologonzalezbleda
Bartolo nació en Hellín (Albacete) el 28 de noviembre de 1949, residiendo en Barcelona desde 1959. A la edad de 18 años, con más de 200 premios en su haber entra en la Escuela Massana de Bellas Artes , donde a su vez es escogido miembro del jurado de concursos de Pintura donde se presentaban algunos de sus profesores de la escuela Massana. En 1971 ...
[Bartolomé González Bleda ] - [España-Artistas] - [Monday 19th, May 2014]

Victor Hagea Artist Painter Germany
dorinabuninet.jimdo.com/ painters-of-the-world/ ar...
Born: July 22, 1948, Lupeni/ Hunedoara, Romania. Victor Hagea absolvierte das Gymnasium für bildende Künste in Târgu Mureș. Seine Ausbildung auf akademischer Ebene schloss er in Cluj an der Akademie für bildende und dekorative Künste im Fach Malerei ab. Parallel zu der Malerei hat er eine didaktische Aktivität als Lehrer, Lektor und Dozent für Zeich...
[Victor Hagea] - [Germany-Künstler] - [Wednesday 14th, May 2014]

Kunstmaler, Illustrator & Fotograf - Reiner Langer
Reiner Langer, geb. 05.10.1955 inDuisburg Erste Einzelausstellung in der Galerie am Mühlenbusch 1979 ART DORTMUND, KIM Duisburg, ABK Deutschland und Spanien ART Düsseldorf 1990, Galerie Hauteffeuille-Paris, Galerie Metzner-Hamburg Galerie am Zirkel-Karlsruhe, Studio Damm-Neuss, Bodensee-Spektakel 1985 FurtherHofNeuss1986-1989, Galerie 54New York, G...
[Reiner Langer] - [Germany-Künstler] - [Tuesday 13th, May 2014]

Elena Checchi Pittrice Italia
Autodidatta... con amore per l'arte, fin da bambina viene segnalata ed inviata tramite la scuola al centro di pittura . In seguito affrontera' studi classici deviando così la preparazione artistica.Sposa giovanissima ed accantona strada facendo il disegno, se ne allontana fino a ritornarci prepotentemente nel1975 a 28 anni .Scopre la china e affasc...
[Elena Checchi] - [Italia-Artisti] - [Monday 12th, May 2014]

Veri Apriyatno Artist Too Painter Indonesia
lidia195957.wix.com/ drawing-pencil
Veri Apriyatno is an artist from Jakarta, Indonesia. Born on April 12, 1973. Get a bachelor's degree in 1998 at the Bandung institute of Technology. Department of Fine Art. Painting studio. Since 2003 until now has many solo and group exhibitions. Until now Veri has produced six books about drawig work ( how to Draw ). Veri recorded as one of conte...
[Veri Apriyatno ] - [Indonesia-Artists] - [Thursday 1st, May 2014]

Franco Dal Re Il Pittore Narratore Italia
L’idea di fare questo sito nasce dal mio desiderio di fare conoscere nel miglior modo possibile la vita e il percorso pittorico di mio padre, Tonino Dal Re, cercando di mettere in evidenza la sua evoluzione artistica tramite i documenti facenti parte di un archivio di cui sono l’unico depositario. Tonino Dal Re ha praticamente dedicato all’Arte 75 ...
[ Franco Dal Re] - [Italia-Artisti] - [Friday 21st, March 2014]

Mixed Media Digitally Created Art Clemens Niewoehner
1947 in Burgsteinfurt (Westfalen) geboren heute in Süstedt (Bruchhausen-Vilsen) lebend und arbeitend Zeitlebens an Kunst interessiert: Erste Versuche in der ölmalerei als Zwölfjähriger später Zeichnung und Aquarell 1980 - 1990 Magischer Geschichtenerzähler 1980 Gründungsmitglied von &bdquo Kunst in der Provinz e. V.“ 1982 - 1985 Schlagzeuger der &b...
[Clemens Niewoehner] - [Germany-Künstler] - [Friday 7th, March 2014]

Anna Zygmunt Artist Painter Netherlands
I was born in Sosnowiec 1976, Poland. My artistic career has begun at the National School of Fine Arts in Katowice 1991-1996 (Poland) where I obtained qualifications in Sculpture (the title of Visual Artist). I studied painting, drawing, sculpture, lettering and calligraphy, designing, history of art and history of philosophy among other art relate...
[Anna Zygmunt ] - [Netherlands-Artiesten] - [Wednesday 5th, March 2014]

This Fanpage is dedicated to the popular Polish singer Anna German (1936-1982)
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ pages/ Anna-German/ 32...
BLESSED MEMORY OF THE GREAT Anna German. Let rest in peace, and the sky is a mirror - that reflects the soul of ANNA! SHE WAS AND REFLECTION OF GOOD AND WILL ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL . . AMEN AND AMEN! Our beloved singer Anna German #ARTS #MONTMARTRE #PARIS #FRENCH This Fanpage is dedicated to the popular Polish singer Anna German (1936-1982) https:/ / t...
[Anna German] - [Poland-Artists] - [Monday 24th, February 2014]

Suray Akmuradova Artist Painter Belarus
t.co/ evBk4NNQCQ
Was bom un1959 inGokjevillageofWekilbazarprovinceofMaruvelauat.She graduated from Turkmen State School of Faine Arts in 1981. In 1967,she graduated form Sankt-Peterzburg State Academy of Fain Arts named I.E.Repin. 1987-190 she was a teacher at Turkmen State School of Fain Arts. In 1990 she decame a member of she Uniuon for Artists of Turkmenistan. ...
[Suray Akmuradova] - [Belarus-Artists] - [Saturday 8th, February 2014]

Anna German - Prawdziwa historia - film biograficzny - cały film dokumentalny
lidia195957.wix.com/ josegalvan#!anna-german-new-b...
BLESSED MEMORY OF THE GREAT Anna German. Let rest in peace, and the sky is a mirror - that reflects the soul of ANNA! SHE WAS AND REFLECTION OF GOOD AND WILL ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL . . AMEN AND AMEN! Anna German - Anna Victoria German (February 14, 1936, Tashkent, Uzbek SSR, Soviet Union - August 26, 1982, Warsaw, Poland) - Polish singer and songwrit...
[Anna German ] - [Poland-Artists] - [Saturday 1st, February 2014]

Irina Zagovorcheva Artist Painter Russian
lidia195957.wix.com/ irinazagovorcheva
Родилась в Москве. Закончила МПГУ им. В.И. Ленина / художественно -графический факультет/ , аспирантуру по кафедре истории художественной и мировой культуры, МПГУ им. В.И. Ленина. Преподавателями были известные российские художники, профессора: Максимов К.М., Игошев В.А., Назарук В.М. 70 персональных выставок. Персональные выставки: 1994 - Галерея “О...
[Irina Zagovorcheva ] - [Russia-Artists] - [Monday 6th, January 2014]

Jérôme "Art Man" Choco Artist Painter Philippines
Jérôme " Art Man" Choco #ARTS #MONTMARTRE #PARIS #FRENCH Jérôme "Art Man" Choco Artist Painter Philippines https:/ / t.co/ aN8wYsHU9r https:/ / t.co/ aN8wYsHU9r pic.twitter.com/ 8OJETgoHPu - Montmartre (@ArtMontmartre) 6 juillet 2017 WELCOME Exchange Link Free-Gratuit t.co/ 7PDPEosmhs International t.co/ rq2QPvzavC France pic.twitter.com/ QIVrH...
[ Jérôme "Art Man" Choco] - [Philippines-Artists] - [Thursday 2nd, January 2014]

Preliminary Data OF THE "VICTORIA 2014" Anna German
annoounces.com/ A55A04/ Adtel.nsf/ plinks/ SRVV-9E...
Wstępnych danych "VICTORIA 2014" 4 do 05 października 2014! Odwiedź Księgi III edycji "Victoria 2014" DO ZOBACZENIA ZA ROK! PRELIMINARY DATA OF THE "VICTORIA 2014" 4 to 5 October 2014! Visit the BOOK THE III EDITION "VICTORIA 2014" SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! Примерная дата конкурса "VICTORIA 2014" - с 4 до 5 октября 2014 года. Будем очень рады вам на новом...
[Vocal Studio Ludmila Piechowska ] - [Poland-Artists] - [Saturday 9th, November 2013]

Graciela Marechal. Artista de Formosa, Argentina
Graciela es una Artista argentina que pinta con pasión paisajes de su tierra natal. Arte al día Documenta Pintora Argentina, dedicada en sus obras especialmente al paisaje, en el que a menudo se yerguen árboles gráciles, a veces disponiendo un par de telas para que formen un díptico de efectos estéticos delicados y también elocuentes, otras veces p...
[Graciela Marechal] - [Argentina-Artistas] - [Friday 8th, November 2013]

Feliciano Sayson Dumangas Artist Philippinnes
My name is Feliciano Sayson Dumangas, I'm 16 years of age. I am from Philippines. 14 марта 1997 LNHS' The One and Only Pencil Artist. I just want to be one of the famous pencil artists from the Philippines. "Since I was 5 years old, I wonder how to make a simple "Star" drawing. When I went to school, my teacher Draw a star and I realize how amazing...
[Feliciano Sayson Dumangas] - [Philippines-Artists] - [Monday 4th, November 2013]

Daniel Williams Artist Painter England
Dan Williams Is an Award winning Artist working on the South coast of the United Kindom, From Oil Portraits To 3D Illusions Dan is a very versatile Artist. Dan is self taught and his obsessive attention to detail has set his reputation as one of the best portrait Artist on the South Coast. Dan is also a talented Musician and Songwriter playing freq...
[Daniel Williams] - [England-Artists] - [Sunday 3rd, November 2013]

Михаил Пугачев Artist Painter Russia
www.pugachev.by/ 0.html
В детстве я всегда с неописуемым восторгом смотрел на карандаши и краски, но что с этим можно делать не представлял. Так и дожил до 20 лет не умея держать кисть в руках, страшно завидовал умеющим это делать. Случайно прочитал книгу про всем известного художника, бывшего торговца картинами, и понял, что я совсем не стар и еще можно научиться. В инст...
[Михаил Пугачев ] - [Russia-Artists] - [Wednesday 23rd, October 2013]

Robin Wagenvoort Fotografisch Vormgever Netherlands
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ robinwagenvoort
Robin Wagenvoort was born at the 8th of november 1986 in Hengelo in the Netherlands. His parents gave him the birth name: Robert Martin Albert Wagenvoort. Robin comes from a very musical family, father Rob is a classical clarinettist who did his music education at the Conservatory in Enschede in the Netherlands and mother Ine started her singing ca...
[Robin Wagenvoort] - [Netherlands-Artiesten] - [Saturday 28th, September 2013]

Mario Costan Binongo Artist Painter Philippines
Mario Costan Binongo, 23, from Manila, Philippines. A Filipino artist doing ramdom portraits using charcoal and pastels. Started drawing since elementary days. Graduated at the University of Makati with a degree of Associate in Computer Technology. WELCOME Exchange Link Free-Gratuit t.co/ 7PDPEosmhs International t.co/ rq2QPvzavC France...
[Mario Costan Binongo] - [Philippines-Artists] - [Monday 23rd, September 2013]

Hari Willy Artist Painter Indonesia
I was born in Surabaya, Indonesia. I really love drawing since I was kid. At first I like to draw anything about architecture or interior design . I was Law Faculty graduated at Brawijaya University Malang Indonesia in 1990. Now I work for Indonesia Government. For now, drawing is my second job. I do it everyday at night. World Map
[Hari Willy] - [Indonesia-Artists] - [Tuesday 3rd, September 2013]

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