Entries 601 to 640
Accesorios Beteil Macramé Chile
makrame3.narod.ru/ macrame/ beteil.html
Venta de joyas con técnica de macrame Diseños exclusivos de Collares,Aros, Anillos,Pulseras, Pinches, etc. hechos a mano solo con elementos naturales. Estamos en Concepción, y hacemos envíos a regiones )!! 100% Hand-made jewelry using the ancient technique of macrame, together with semi-precious stones, natural seeds and different types of wood an...
[Ignacio Saelzer] - [Chili-Artistas] - [Thursday 22nd, March 2012]

Art Gallery Jam Ukraine
Контакты Art Galleri Jam Адрес: Украина, Киев Телефоны: +38066 745 54 24 , +38067 793 48 30 E-mail: artjam2012@gmail.com Мир прекрасного для Вас ! World Map
[Swety Kis] - [Ukraine-Gallery] - [Tuesday 13th, March 2012]

Vera Laake-Gallery Germany
Mein Name ist Vera Laake. Erst im Alter von 32 Jahren entdeckte ich meinen Hang zur Malerei. Von der Stadt aufs Land gezogen mitten in der schönen Natur lebend begann ich mir diese auf Leinwänden festzuhalten. Ich sammelte weiterhin Erfahrungen darin in den unterschiedlichsten Kunstformen, Maltechniken und Malkursen. Die Fotografie beschäftigtemich...
[Vera Laake] - [Germany-Gallery] - [Monday 12th, March 2012]

Liubka Kirilova - Sculptor Bulgaria
Liubka Kirilova Liubka Kirilova was born on 15th June 1946 inthe Bulgarian capital Sofiawhere she lives and works. She has graduated from the Academyof Arts, specialty Sculpture in the class of prof.Velichko Minekov in 1979. She is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists and works in the area of monumental sculpture, portrait and small sculpture...
[Liubka Kirilova] - [Bulgaria-Artists] - [Sunday 11th, March 2012]

Carlo Mirabasso Pittore Painter Italia
www.carlomirabasso.it/ index.htm
Carlo Mirabasso nasce a Tivoli (RM), nel 1959. Nel 1979 si diploma presso il Liceo Artistico Ripetta di Roma. Tra gli anni Ottanta e Novanta oltre alla pittura opera nel campo della grafica pubblicitaria e dell'illustrazione collaborando con numerose agenzie pubblicitarie, case editrici e case discografiche, fra le quali: Edizioni Ricordi, Mondador...
[Mirabasso] - [Italia-Artisti] - [Sunday 4th, March 2012]

Arkady Zrazhevsky Artist Painter Russia
zrazhevsky.krasno.ru/ index.htm
Arkady Zrazhevsky Artist Painter Russia Aркадий Зражевский Родился в 1962 году. Окончил Московский Государственный Университет культуры и искусств (1988) Член Творческого союза художников России (1993) Член Международного художественного фонда (2002) Заслуженный работник культуры (2002) Основные персональные выставки в Москве: Центральный дом худож...
[Arkady Zrazhevsky] - [Russia-Artists] - [Saturday 3rd, March 2012]

Füsun Nameci Artist Istanbul Turkey
makrame3.narod.ru/ macrame/ FusunNAMECI.htm
Füsun Nameci Fusun Nameci is a Jewelry Designer out of Turkey. She was born inIstanbul, where she has been teaching jewelry design professionally since 2000. She has been on many TV programs about jewelry design. She has gone to many exhibition fairs and received an Honor Award from the the Mayor of Istanbul in 2006. Fusun had opened her first pers...
[Füsun Nameci] - [Turkey-Artists] - [Thursday 23rd, February 2012]

Orlando Arias Morales Artista España
Orlando Arias Morales Nace en Potosí- Bolivia el 23 de diciembre de 1954, es el tercero de siete hermanos, hijo de Constantino Arias Toro y de Maritza Morales Mosquera. desde muy pequeño su familia se traslada a la ciudad de Cochabamba donde estudió en el Colegio San Agustín de Cochabamba, luego ingresa a la Universidad Técnicade Oruro “UTO” en la ...
[Orlando Arias Morales] - [España-Artistas] - [Saturday 11th, February 2012]

Maria Kravchuk Artist Ukraine
makrame3.narod.ru/ macrame/ Maria/ Maria.html
Maria Kravchuk #ARTS #MONTMARTRE #PARIS #FRENCH Maria Kravchuk Artist Ukraine t.co/ bYdJBiv3xN t.co/ bYdJBiv3xN pic.twitter.com/ nmSE3NCNzR - Montmartre (@ArtMontmartre) 1 Septembre 2015 моя творчість - плетіння житнім стеблом.Заслужений майстер народної творчості. WELCOME Exchange Link Free-Gratuit t.co/ 7PDPEosmhs International h...
[Maria Kravchuk] - [Ukraine-Artists] - [Friday 10th, February 2012]

Svetlana Kislyachenko, Kiev, Ukraine
Painting a professional artist Svetlana Kislyachenko , Kiev, Ukraine. The style of my paintings - surrealism and romanticism. The pictures are in the gallery " JAM " ( Kiev ) and private collections. Живопись Светланы Кисляченко. Откуда? Кто мы? И какая сила Нам дух В темницу тела Заключила Нам, очертив пределы Бытия&hellip ? Мы живем на планете Зе...
[Svetlana Kislyachenko] - [Ukraine-Artists] - [Thursday 9th, February 2012]

Javier Coppel Art Gallery España
Nace en Martínez Campos, Madrid. Desde niño le ha atraído la pintura y la fotografía. Es un artista vocacional, aunque profesionalmente se haya dedicado al tenis dando clases, llegando a ser uno de los profesores más destacados. Sus principales exposiciones han sido, 1969 Galería Antonio Machado en Madrid, 1970 VII Salón Nacional de pintura en Murc...
[Javier Coppel] - [España-Artistas] - [Wednesday 8th, February 2012]

Boñar (León), 1976 Introducirse en mí mundo, es introducirse en un mundo de matices, de claridad y oscuridad, de luces y sombras, en la unión de estos para formar la escena, en la cual la figura humana es el elemento principal dela misma. Unafigura humana que refleja toda su belleza, toda su fuerza y energía, desposeída prácticamente de toda ropa, ...
[ANGEL DEL BARRIO PUENTE] - [España-Artistas] - [Saturday 4th, February 2012]

Picture gallery Jorge Robledo Gomez Colombia
es.artscad.com/ A.nsf/ P/ JorgeRobledoGomez
Picture gallery Jorge Robledo Gomez Colombia 10 de abril 1974 en Colombia , Caldas nació un gran hombre con un gran corazón grande. Este es nuestro querido Jorge Robledo Gómez. Estudió en el Liceo Santa María de Conchalí . Actualmente vive en Génova , Quindío, Colombia. Conoce a los amigos queridos más para que en el mundo de la gente buena y hones...
[Jorge Robledo Gomez] - [Colombia-Artistas] - [Friday 3rd, February 2012]

Edgardo Herrera . Macrame . Moda. Colombia
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ edgardomacramejherrera
Diseñador de Modas Barranquillero, egresado de la Escuela Superior de Moda, REAL DE LA MODA, se especializo en el SENA Regional Atlantico como Diseñador Patronista. Ocupando el primer puesto en MODART´98 como el mejor DISEñADOR ETNICO CREATIVO con el diseño NEW AFRICA, inspirado en la recopilacion de la mujer africana. Otra de sus especializaciones...
[Edgardo Herrera] - [Colombia-Artistas] - [Thursday 2nd, February 2012]

José Cibrián Fotografía Mexico
José Cibrián Por mi parte, debí conformarme con esos atisbos de la obra de este "retratista de la condición del ser". Contemplar un misterio brevemente puede ser agradable ser atraido y capturado es un tormento. Y si dura toda la vida... Lasfotos de Witkin me anonadaron como él, me vi condenado a los infiernos por toda la eternidad pero sin un m...
[José Refugio Cibrián Sánchez] - [México-Artistas] - [Monday 30th, January 2012]

Babincak Ljubomir - Babincakov Artist Painter Serbia
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ ljubomir.babincak
Babincak Ljubomir - Babincakov Artist Painter Rodjen 01.06.1957. u Ruskom Krsturu, opstina Kula, Srbija, Balkan Slikarstvom se bavi od 1981. Tehnika u kojoj najcesce radi je ULJE NA PLATNU Teme koje najcesce slika su: - MRTVA PRIRODA, gde najcesce oslikava etno stvari i predmete, koji se danas malo koriste u svakodnevnom zivotu, a nekad su bile u s...
[Babincak Ljubomir ] - [Serbia-Artists] - [Saturday 14th, January 2012]

Maciek Ossian Kozakiewicz Artysta Plastyk
Urodziłem się w.... roku. Była zima więc mróz skrzypiał za oknem i było biało. Kiedy nassałem się mleka zacząłem raczkować i podglądać świat przez okno na pierwszym piętrze, był kolorowy. Chodziłem do szkoły, dorastałem w kinie, w bibliotece, w kościele, w domach ciotek i przypadkowych znajomych. Przybywało mi wagi. Rodzice, jak wszyscy rodzice byl...
[Maciej Ossian Kozakiewicz] - [Poland-Artists] - [Monday 19th, December 2011]

Agnes Preszler realist painter, portraitist
Agnes Preszler realist painter, portraitist Agnes Preszler was born in 1961 in Budapest, where in 1988 she has obtained the ITA (Information Technology Architect) degree at the Financial and Computistic Academy. In Hungary she has worked in computer centres and at the Hungarian Television of State. In 1990 she married an Italian citizen and since t...
[Agnes Preszler ] - [Italia-Artisti] - [Friday 16th, December 2011]

Violette Cici Digital Artist Sydney Australia
Welcome to my trip.... Encounter of a magical moment I love life and everyday I am thinking how lucky we are to experience this wonderful adventure. I had so much fun making this art. I hope you will enjoy too XXOO I am Originally from Salon de Provence in the South of France. I am currently living inSydney- Australiasince 8 years. My concept of wo...
[Violette Cici] - [Australia-Artists] - [Friday 9th, December 2011]

Katia Muñoz Artista peruana, egresada de la Facultad de Arte dela Pontificia Universidad Catolicadel Perú con la especialidad en Pintura. Ella tiene una gran capacidad de trasmitir su contenido emocional con una fantasía más apegada al abstracto pero tambien usando recursos figurativos,usa los fundamentos de una sintesis en la que el color se organ...
[KATIA MUÑOZ] - [España-Artistas] - [Sunday 4th, December 2011]

Missouri State Surface Design Assoc. blogspot
The Missouri Surface Design Assoc. is just one small part of the whole United States and Eroupe.... The group was started by Jason Pollen who is a Textile Disigner & had been an insturctor for the Kansas City Art Inst. for many years. My blog does have the blogs attached to other artists and the International SDA Blog site for the whole group. I ho...
[Maryann Hammond] - [United States-Artists] - [Sunday 27th, November 2011]

Paola Guerra - Italian Artist
Italian artist Paola Guerra’s highly expressionistic neo-figurative female portraits are wrought with tension, yet inexplicably soulful. In daring brushstrokes, she paints women integrated within different contexts, all reflective of both a universal femininity and Guerra’s own personal life experience. Her strong use of line and incorporation of a...
[Paola Guerra] - [Italia-Artisti] - [Sunday 27th, November 2011]

Ron de Waal Artist Painter Nederland
Weert St.Theuniskapel 2010 Solo Weert Galerie Weert 2009 Expositie Atractie! Exposanten, Ron de Waal, Jack Vreeke, Inge Satters-Coolen. Eindhoven van Abbe museum 2009 Het Vierkante Ei Weert St. Theuniskapel 2008 Solo Amsterdam Galerie Papillon 2008 Solo Weert Bibliotheek 2008 Solo Weert Alphons Winter Prijs 2008 voorronde Groep Eindhoven Van Abbe m...
[Ron de Waal] - [Netherlands-Artiesten] - [Friday 4th, November 2011]

Janny de Jong Artist Painter Netherlands
My name is Janny de Jong. I was born the 11th of May 1962 in Oudehaske, Friesland (The Netherlands). Since my earliest childhood I have always been busy drawing everything I saw around me. I started experimenting with acrylic paint in 2005. Now I paint on many different materials: canvas, wood, boxes, vases, flowerpots, etc. I love to add curious m...
[Janny de Jong] - [Netherlands-Artiesten] - [Tuesday 18th, October 2011]

Fatima Marques - Artista Plástica
Fatima Marques, brésilienne née à Sao Paulo / SP en 1956 et diplômée en Administration des Affaires en 1978 , après une carrière réussie, à partir de 2005 se consacre entièrement à la peinture et a participé à de nombreux Salons et Expositions dês Arts au Brésil. Toujours passionnée par les arts, d'améliorer leurs connaissances techniques à travers...
[Fatima Marques] - [Brazil-Artistas] - [Tuesday 18th, October 2011]

Cecilia Zaietz Artista Pintora Argentina
El deseo de expresarme a través del arte ha logrado una evolución en mí, tanto en lo profesional como en lo personal, tomando como fuente de inspiración la vida misma. Como artista, puedo crear un universo nuevo cada vez que quiero puedo imaginar un mundo moldeado por mis propios deseos. Como maestra, siento la necesidad de compartir con otros est...
[Cecilia Zaietz] - [Argentina-Artistas] - [Saturday 24th, September 2011]

Tatiana Abrantes Artist Painter Portugal
Tatiana Abrantes Artist Painter The magic and mystery of Africais pivotal to the art of the painter Tatiana Abrantes. Born in Mozambique, she moved with her parents at the age of five to live in Johannesburg, South Africa, where her passion for painting and drawing began. At 19, she studied fine arts at Technikon in Johannesburgand later worked in ...
[Tatiana Abrantes] - [Portugal-Artistas] - [Monday 22nd, August 2011]

Cristina Ruiz Baña Artista Pintora ESPAÑA
Cristina Ruiz Baña El cuento de los elementos Cuando la pintura expresa el interior del ser habla sin pretenderlo del cosmos, el átomo, la materia y el vacío. Los pueblos antiguos lo entendieron así, encontrando en lo que les rodeaba el símbolo de lo que no podían abarcar. El agua que les limpiaba les recordaba fluir, su sonido calmante el mensaje ...
[Cristina Ruiz Baña] - [España-Artistas] - [Monday 15th, August 2011]

Neo-Baroque Figurative Art by Eric Armusik United States
Born in 1973, fine artist Eric Armusik grew up in the northeastern coal region ofPennsylvania. Once one of the largest coal mining operations in the county, his hometown was a landscape riddled with the depressions of post-industry. In contrast to the blight was a diverse ethnic community strong in faith. What the community lacked in public art and...
[Eric Armusik ] - [United States-Artists] - [Saturday 2nd, July 2011]

Daniela Scanabucci Artista España
nasce a Roma nel 1960,di origini marchigiane e spagnole. segue corsi di pittura all’accademia di belle arti di Roma. Lavora all’atelier del pittore astratto Fulvio Masciangioli collabora nel restauro di dipinti antichi Si diploma insegnante di danza a Parigi. Studia scrittura coreografica alla Sorbonne di Parigi. Ha realizzato diverse performance e...
[Daniela Scanabucci] - [España-Artistas] - [Friday 10th, June 2011]

Jan Blencowe Poetic Landscapes United States
Practically born with a crayon in her hand, Jan Blencowe considers visual art her first language. She has been drawing and painting for as long as she has been talking. A graduate of the fine art program at Caldwell College, Caldwell, NJ she received a BFA, magna cum laude, in 1984 with concentrations in painting, color and art history. Her college...
[Jan Blencowe] - [United States-Artists] - [Thursday 9th, June 2011]

The Art Of Leo Evans Artist Painter California
American Artist, Poet, and peaceful man...and very private... Name: Leo Evans Born: February 20 1956 ~ Hollywood, California Attended: Manual Arts H.S. and Los Angeles City College At both schools I learned to use different media,medium and how to express myself totally in my chosen profession. I’ve been painting and creating as far back as I can r...
[Leo..Evans] - [United States-Artists] - [Wednesday 8th, June 2011]

Ulysses Teixeira Artista Brazil
ULYSSES TEIXEIRA Brazilian Artist. Drawer, paInter and wall painter from União da Vitória, State of Paraná. Member of the Professional Association of Plastic Art of Paraná ( APAP ). With artistic creations in Brazil, Germany, Holland and wall paintings in União da Vitória. He has taken part in many different exhibits and Official Galleries, winning...
[Ulysses Teixeira] - [Brazil-Artistas] - [Wednesday 11th, May 2011]

Stefania Quartieri Pittrice Italia
Nasce a S. Croce sull'Arno (PI) dove vive. La sua formazione artistica ha inizio nel 1990, anno in cui si iscrive al corso di pittura del maestro Giulio Greco. Dal figurativo la sua pittura si evolve presto verso l'informale, con l'utilizzo di tecniche miste e la sperimentazione attraverso materiali quali iuta, carta e qualsiasi altro materiale che...
[stefania quartieri] - [Italia-Artisti] - [Monday 9th, May 2011]

Color Commando Artist Painter United Stades
My Art speaks for itself. My Name is Steve. Pseudonym 'Color Commando- ?'. I am an Autodidact artist based out of Los Angeles' NOHO arts district (Studio City) who has been producing visual imagery for many years with an impeccable line and stroke along with brilliance of color execution, to pat myself on the back. I am a maniac, frustrated, angry,...
[Color Commando] - [United States-Artists] - [Thursday 5th, May 2011]

Idaho Gallery American Trades And Traditions
Welcome to www.IdahoGallery.com! Offering unique hand made items, metal art, window decor in valances, tiers, panels and swags. We want to help you get what you've been looking for. Most of our work is custom, ordered and made just for you! If you love our valances but prefer them longer, wider or with a larger rod pocket, consider a custom order, ...
[Idaho Gallery] - [United States-Gallery] - [Tuesday 3rd, May 2011]

Gabriela Zavalia Artista Plastica Argentina
Nacida en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires en el año 1965. Se radica en la Ciudad de Villa Gesell, provincia de buenos Aires en el año 1994. A partir de allí comienza su formación plástica en los Talleres de Arte dependientes de la Dirección de Cultura dela Municipalidad. Pinturacon el maestro Alejandro Viladrich, Dibujo y Grabado a cargo dela profesora S...
[Gabriela Zavalia] - [Argentina-Artistas] - [Sunday 1st, May 2011]

Robyn Louisell - Art Gallery United States
www.artid.com/ wanderingsoul
Robyn Louisell was born in the northern area of the state ofMissouri. She grew up in the Greater Kansas City Metro area and still resides in the area. Robyn has a degree in Liberal Arts from the Metropolitan Community Colleges inKansas CityMissouriand a degree of Associate of Applied Science in Medical Assisting fromColoradoTechnicalUniversityinNor...
[Robyn Louisell] - [United States-Artists] - [Friday 29th, April 2011]

Paintings by Nanci Cook Canada
Nanci Cook has lived onQuadraIsland for 20 years with her husband Tracy Tomlinson. Operating Firesign Art & Design is a culmination of her life's work: blending her love of art and the beauty of the islands with her training and experience in the tourism and hospitality industry. Nanci Cook was a studio potter for 15 years on Hornby Island, BCwith ...
[Nanci Cook] - [Canada-Artists] - [Wednesday 27th, April 2011]

Galería Celtica Art España
En el período comprendido entre los siglos V A.C. y XII de nuestra era, se desarrolla la “Civilización Céltica”. Su propagación por el continente europeo, determinará el predominio en todos los territorios de la Europa occidental. En el devenir de la historia se diversificará en distintas épocas y diferentes pueblos Celtas, configurando un complejo...
[CELTICA] - [España-Galería] - [Monday 25th, April 2011]

José Galvan Gallery

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